Laser Cladding
The high powered diode laser has enabled us to expand our repair process to offer a high quality metallurgically bonded material with virtually no heat affected zone. We use an established process to produce a high quality coating.
Laser metal deposition is controlled by a high quality powder feeder system and multi-stream coaxial nozzle that channels the Laser Beam and Powder simultaneously creating a molten pool on the substrate surface. The shield gas and minimal molten exposure time ensures that the substrate is not affected and cooling takes place almost instantaneously. The result is a metallurgically bonded material to a substrate that is more hardwearing than coatings applied by all forms of thermal spray and unlike hard chromium plating this process is harmless to health.
Our material selection for cladding is primarily driven by our customers’ requirements and the type of application the item is going to be subjected to. There is a large selection of material available and we can also work with you to develop a bespoke powder composition that meets your exact needs. We work with a Laboratory locally and one in Singapore that can give a third party verification to our process and materials using destructive testing on items.